Thursday, May 15, 2008

please help these childen!!

hey this is a really important post because if you go to you could save one child or maybe even two. I know what these kids have gone though because these kids sang at my school and you have no idea how happy they where to get out of their bad situations. Here is one of the stories that on child told us his name is Eric: last year my father died and my mother couldn't pay for our school fees so i went to live with my aunt. Soon after my aunt started to lose her money and ended up not paying my school fees and me and my brothers and sisters had to look for food on the streets. But when Matsiko came to Uganda they helped these kids out of their bad situations the helped save lives. But when the choir came to my school they had so much happiness in their voices it was moving. So please visit this website and save a life.Kids are dying all over the world so please help and you will save a life!! You can make a difference but the question is : do you want to?


cowgirl said...

please please help them

reverend dick said...

ok, we will help.