Friday, May 2, 2008

hey hey hey

hey you guy's may know the blog church of the sweet ride, well that's my dad's blog.As you may also know my dad really enjoys bike riding well a few weeks ago my mom had a really bad crash at Arroyo Seco and had 32 stiches.This summer i got a job at the Love Muffin in Moab, Utah.So i'm going to live with my dad's friends for 3 weeks!!!!!They have a 1 1/2 year old she's soo cute!!!!
What's your summer plans? Comment me an tell me and maybe i'll make a post about it.
i have such a BIG CRUSH ON Joe Jonas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well see ya later check in later for more info on my life see ya


reverend dick said...

Do you have any pictures of this Joe Jonas guy? Does he have a moustache?

How are you getting to Moab?

reverend dick said...

What is "futurefasions"? Is that what people in the future use as laser weapons?
I am confused by the whole thing.

cowgirl said...

no i don't have any picture of joe jonas and no he doesn't have a mustache