Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas.... what is this intresting holiday?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Christmas?? what does that mean to YOU?
the meaning of Christmas to ME is spending time with my family and friends!


comment and tell me what Christmas means to you!

bye =) <3


reverend dick said...

Christmas is the Christian designation for the older/ancient pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice. The day when we on the planet Earth begin the shift back toward a more northen exposure to direct sunlight. The days begin to grow longer again.

Early Christians cottoned on to the popularity of the pagan (in this case Roman-yep, Zeus/Jupiter and all those fun Gods) celebrations at this time of year, and on to the importance for folks of a midwinter holiday to keep spirits up in hard times, and they co-opted the holiday and called it Jesus' birthday. No one can be sure when Jesus was actually born, and this date was already a party- so hey, now it's Jesus' party.

To me, Xmas is a time of year for enjoying cold weather both by being out in it (skiing, for example) and by sheltering from it (inside with a warm drink).It is a time to appreciate and think about all the Good Things in your life, and to reflect those Good Things by giving presents, if you can.

It is a time for Family, which is the most important thing of all.

I love you, Bub.

cowgirl said...

thanks papa!
love you too