Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ya Need to get protien and don't eat fish

hey you need to get protein!!! Me as a vegan i have to get lots and lots of protein.I have to get lots of protein because i don't eat meat so i usually have to drink a glass of soy milk at breakfast and lunch. I also eat smart bacon every morning. My parents are really strict about my heath are you?

Fish has lots of pollution and if you eat the fish the pollution will get into your body.That's all for today ya'll
buh bye

Saturday, May 24, 2008

extra extra, you can save the earth and stay fit

A family of four uses over 200,000 gallons a year if you let the water run. All you have to do is turn the water off while brushing your teeth, washing your face and washing your hands. Another thing you can do is take 10 minute showers rather than hour long showers. You can also turn your lights off when your not home. Those are just some of the tips to help the earth and save money.

Part two: Staying fit
staying fit means a lot if your not fit your way off line. My way of staying fit is walking a mile to school and back everyday! You can too it's not hard go to the gym, run every morning and ride you bike .

that's all for now folks see ya but before you go look at these photos at the top

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Matsiko - How Much

this is a song that these kids sing!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

please help these childen!!

hey this is a really important post because if you go to you could save one child or maybe even two. I know what these kids have gone though because these kids sang at my school and you have no idea how happy they where to get out of their bad situations. Here is one of the stories that on child told us his name is Eric: last year my father died and my mother couldn't pay for our school fees so i went to live with my aunt. Soon after my aunt started to lose her money and ended up not paying my school fees and me and my brothers and sisters had to look for food on the streets. But when Matsiko came to Uganda they helped these kids out of their bad situations the helped save lives. But when the choir came to my school they had so much happiness in their voices it was moving. So please visit this website and save a life.Kids are dying all over the world so please help and you will save a life!! You can make a difference but the question is : do you want to?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Ya'll

today is a day to share with your mothers enjoy!!!!!!
luv ya

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

these people are really cool!

these boys can really get down!
check this out!!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

all around bad day

today was soooooo NOT fun!!!! I got called names all day, by this jerk in my class. Then while we where in P.E she called me a a loser. But the thing that really annoys me is that she knows that she's being a mean but she stills does it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The worst thing she did today was call me a bad word she called me a donkey!!!!!!! It really hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's such a jerk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely HATE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a bad word!!!!!

And on Sunday my friend had her first church thing.

Luvvvvvv ya all. I really enjoy watching this.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

i told my crush i like him

today was soo fun!!!!! my best friend jenny came over and my mom took us to her friends house. My crush just happens to live 2 blocks down from me and i screamed " your cute"!!!!!
Then jenny and i ran away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now we're at home
see ya!!!!
luvv ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pink lips - Google Image Search

pink lips - Google Image Search

good morning

good morning ya'll
last night i watched love actually with my mom.Then i put my littlest brother in my bed with me cause he was sleeping without my other brother which makes him scared. anyway please visit again for more info in my life.

Okay let's move on today i want to tell you about my life as a babysitter and give you some tips. On Wednesday my dad came and picked me and my 8 yr. old brother at 2:00 pm and i babysat for my 2 brothers ti'll 7:00pm. My first tip would be if you don't want to make dinner use the microwave.My second tip would be to check in on them every 10 minutes.

today i'm going to a pool party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see ya later

Friday, May 2, 2008

hey hey hey

hey you guy's may know the blog church of the sweet ride, well that's my dad's blog.As you may also know my dad really enjoys bike riding well a few weeks ago my mom had a really bad crash at Arroyo Seco and had 32 stiches.This summer i got a job at the Love Muffin in Moab, Utah.So i'm going to live with my dad's friends for 3 weeks!!!!!They have a 1 1/2 year old she's soo cute!!!!
What's your summer plans? Comment me an tell me and maybe i'll make a post about it.
i have such a BIG CRUSH ON Joe Jonas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well see ya later check in later for more info on my life see ya

Today's fasions

Today's okay fashion statement was made by a girl named Emma she was wearing gold starkly legging and no skirt!!!!!!!!! Her jacket was lime green fleece , her shirt was one that said " global warming is not cool brrr" i think it was an okay shirt but it didn't go. Also today's cute statement was made by Morgan she was wearing a green tank top with lime green shirt and blue jeans with converses.Anyway today i was on Youtube and i saw the new Jordyn Sparks ft. Chris Brown it's called no air.
PLEASE READ THIS BLOG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luv ya all bye