Thursday, November 27, 2008

Meet Eric.. This is something that you need to think about!!!

This is what you need to be thankful for!
happy thanksgiving you guys!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

are you healthy?

The question some people ask is " are you healthy"? Well are you? You can take my quiz to find out.

1. What kind of dinner do you normally eat?
a. T.V dinners
b. pizza from Safeway
c. A nice healthy salad

2.Do you eat dessert all the time?
a. yeah!
b.once every two or three days

3. Do you eat out all the time?
a. yes i have no time to cook
c. no every night i cook for my family

4. Where do you go?
a. McDonald's
b.Burger king
C. a healthy vegetarian restaurant

5. Do you do regular doctor check ups?
a. yes
b. only if I'm in pain
c. never!!!

If you answer mostly A's you need to start eating healthier and exercise more.

If you answered B's your not off the hook you could use a new eating routine.

If you answered C's your in tip top shape!

But remember you can never be too healthy!